2010/11/22 exhibition at dovecot studios, edinburgh "ethno-fashion"  
  2010/05/06 exhibition at ulster museum, belfast "ethno-fashion"  
  2010/02/01 publishin photos on portugueese magazine "inutil" revista #2  
  2009/03/07 exhibition in warsaw "visitors"  
  2008/05/10 photo album "silence of air" published  
  2008/05/10 exhibition in berlin "silence of air"  
  2008/02/26 comment from reiji sakurai released (in japanese)  
  2008/02/26 fashion phots added  
  2007/05/30 site recoverd  
  2006/08/13 site temporarily closed  
  2006/01/20 comment from masumi yagyu released (in japanese)  
  2005/12/10 comment from manuela gretkowska released (in polish)  
  2005/07/22   profile in japanese added (日本語プロファイル追加)  
  2005/07/07   web site renewed  
    (c) 2003 - 2010 akamine, hidetoshi all rights reserved.